Books, Chapters, Articles...
- In press – “Reflections on the whore stigma.” Radical History Review. A special issue on “Troubling Terms in the Sex Trades.” Co-edited by Judith Walkowitz, Rachel Schreiber and Julian Laite.
- 2019 – with Aimée Patricia Ndembi Ndembi, Justine Mekuí and Marijke Alblas, “Midwives and post-abortion care in Gabon: ‘Things have really changed’. Health and Human Rights Journal, vol. 21, no. 2 – p. 145-155. En ligne
– Réédité et augmenté en français : Aimée Patricia Ndembi Ndembi, Justine Mekuí, Gail Pheterson, Marijke Alblas, Iris Ursula Moundaka et Marie-Chantale Ntjam. « Les sages-femmes et les soins après avortement au Gabon. ‘Les choses ont vraiment changé’». Profession Sage-Femme n° 271 – Mai 2021 – 29-37. En ligne
- 2019 : Préface du livre de Claire Michard. Humain/Femelle de l’humain. Effet idéologique du rapport de sexage et notion de sexe en français. Les éditions sans fin.
- 2019/1989 – Second augmented edition of A Vindication of the Rights of Whores. Edited by Gail Pheterson. Puerto Rico. 293 p. - online
- 2018 – « Avortement sécurisé hors-la-loi dans les Caraïbes : objection de conscience contre l’injustice légalisée » [Safe illegal abortion in the Caribbean: Conscientious objection against legalized injustice]. Déjouer le silence. Contre-discours sur les femmes haïtiennes. [Breaching the Silence: Counter-Discourse on Haitian Women]. Sous la direction de Sabine Lamour, Denyse Côté et Darlene Alexis. Éditions du remue-ménage pour le Canada. Montréal.
- 2016. Preface to the book by Cascales, Béatrice et Négrié, Laëtitia. Accouchement est politique ! Fécondité, femmes en travail et institutions [Delivering a Baby is Political! Fertility, Women in Labor and Institutions] Éditions l’Instant Présent.
- 2013 – Mujeres en flagrante delito de independencia Barcelone: Edicions Bellaterra. Prólogo Dolores Juliano. (Édition traduite et augmentée de Femmes en flagrant délit d’indépendance).
– Réédité et augmenté en français : Aimée Patricia Ndembi Ndembi, Justine Mekuí, Gail Pheterson, Marijke Alblas, Iris Ursula Moundaka et Marie-Chantale Ntjam. « Les sages-femmes et les soins après avortement au Gabon. ‘Les choses ont vraiment changé’». Profession Sage-Femme n° 271 – Mai 2021 – 29-37. En ligne
2011 - « Annexe A : Alliance entre putains, épouses et gouines ». In Mensah, Maria Nengeh et Thiboutot, Louise (eds). Luttes XXX. Inspirations du mouvement des travailleuses du sexe. Montréal : Les Éditions du remue-ménage, 2011, pp. 175-180 (Tiré du livre, Pheterson, Le prisme de la prostitution, 2001 [1996]. p. 178-183)
- 2010 - Femmes en flagrant délit d’indépendance Lyon : Tahin Party, 2010 - 80 p. – en ligne
– Version modifiée du Prélude : « Le féminisme pris aux pièges » [Decentering feminism] Genre, sexualité et société, n°4, 2010 – résumé
- 2009 - “Wards of the state: Prostitute and pregnant women.” Política y Sociedad. Special issue on Sexualidades en movimiento, vol. 46, no. 1 - p. 95-104. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- 2008 - with Yamila Azize, “Abortion within and around the law in the Caribbean.” Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, vol. 27, no. 1 - p. 73-80.
– See also 2005 (November), “Abortion practice in the Northeast Caribbean: ‘Just write down stomach pain’.” Reproductive Health Matters, 1 (26) - p. 44-53.
– Pour élaboration sociologique, voir 2006, « Avortement sécurisé hors la loi dans le Nord-Est des Caraïbes. » Sociétés Contemporaines, no. 61 - p. 19-40 – en ligne
- 2006 - « Violence sexiste : les racines structurelles d’une dynamique psychosociale. » In Pewzner, Evelyne (ed.) Temps et Espaces de la Violence, Paris : Éditions Sciences en Situation - p. 169-181. (Réédité in Pheterson, 2010.)
- 2004 - « Niños/as y prostitución: Reflexiones críticas sobre la legislación relativa a la edad » [Children and prostitution. Critical thoughts on age-specific legislation] In Osborne, Raquel (ed.) Trabajadoras del sexo: derechos, migraciones y tráfico en el siglo XXI, Publicaciones Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Edicions Bellaterra, 2004 - p. 135-149.
- 2003, août - « Grossesse et prostitution : les femmes sous la tutelle de l’Etat. » Raisons Politiques. Études de Pensée Politique, no. 11, p. 97-116. Paris : Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques – en ligne (voir aussi : Version modifiée in Pheterson 2010.)
- 2001 - « Dépendance prostitutionnelle dans le couple hétérosexuel. » In L’Inconscient toxique. Zafiropoulos, Markos ; Condamin, Christine & Nicolle, Olivier. Paris : Anthropos, 2001 - p. 213-224.
- 2001 - « Avortement pharmacologique ou chirurgical : les critères sociaux du ‘choix’. » Cahiers du Genre, n° 31 - p. 221-247. Paris, CNRS.
– English version: Medical versus surgical abortion: Social determinants of ‘choice’. Site of the Society for the Psychology of Women, American Psychological Association - site
- 1999, April - “The ladies and the tramps. Feminist alliance of autonomous (migrant) workers.” Re-productions (Kathmandu, Nepal), no. 2 - special issue: Trafficking, sex-work, prostitution: Discourses and representations of the sub-continent.
- 1999 - « Entre tradition et modernité : voyage asymétrique des sexes. » In Pewzner, Evelyne (ed.) Question(s) d’Identités. Paris : SenS Editions, 1999 - p. 105-117.
- 1998 - « Les critères sociaux de la légitimité politique : la disqualification des femmes.» In Caloz-Tschopp, Marie-Claire (ed.) Hannah Arendt, les sans-Etats et le droit d’avoir des droits. Paris : L’Harmattan, 1998 - p. 239-246.
- 1996a - The Prostitution Prism. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press - 176 p.
– Trad. française (2001) par Nicole-Claude Mathieu. Le Prisme de la Prostitution. Paris : L’Harmattan, Bibliothèque du féminisme, 2001 - 214 p. - (Édition augmentée de la version anglaise.)
– Trad. espagnol (2000) El Prisma de la Prostitución. Madrid: Talasa Ediciones, S.L, 173 p. (Deuxième Édition sous presse en espagnol avec Edicione Bellaterra, Barcelona.)
- 1996b - « La parité n’offre aucune garantie contre une politique de droite. » In Principes et Enjeux de la Parité. Paris : IRESCO-CNRS, Cahiers du GEDISST (Groupe d’Études sur la Division Sociale et Sexuelle du Travail), n°17 - p. 85-92.
- 1995 - “Historical and material determinants of psychodynamic development.” In Racism in the Lives of Women: Testimony, Theory, and Guides to Antiracist Practice. Adleman, Jeanne & Enguidanos, Gloria (eds.), New York: Haworth Press - p. 181-205.
– Reduced version (1995) “A theoretical lacuna: Normative psychic disturbance.” In Trends and Issues in Theoretical Psychology - p. 263-269 (see below).
- 1995 - Trends and Issues in Theoretical Psychology. Edited by Ian Lubek, Réne Hezewijk, Gail Pheterson & Charles Tolman. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1995 - 387 p.
- 1994a, autumn - “Group identity and social relations: Divergent theoretical conceptions in the United States, the Netherlands and France.” The European Journal of Women’s Studies, 1 (2) - p. 257-264.
– Trad. française (décembre 1996) « Identité de groupe et rapports sociaux aux États-Unis, aux Pays-Bas et en France. » Mots. Les langages du politique, n°49, Paris : Presses de Sciences Po - p. 6-17.
- 1994b - « Droit d’asile, migration et prostitution. » In Asile Violence Exclusion en Europe. Histoire, Analyse, Prospective. Caloz Tschopp Marie Claire, Clévenot Axel & Tschopp Maria Pia (eds.), Genève : Université de Genève, 1994 - p. 57 66.
– Réédition (1995) Cahiers du GEDISST, p. 57-67. Paris : IRESCO, CNRS.
- 1990, August - “The category prostitute’ in scientific inquiry.” The Journal of Sex Research, vol. 27, 3 - p. 397 407. Also in Pheterson, 1996a/2001.
– Trad. française (1992) “La catégorie ‘prostituée’ dans la recherche scientifique”. In La Prostitution Quarante Ans après la Convention de New York, Bruylant, Bruxelles : École des Sciences Criminologiques Léon Cornil, Université Libre de Bruxelles - p. 373-386.
- 1990 - “From the therapeutic to the political stage: Psychological disciplines in feminist thought and action.” In Pheterson Gail, Essad Philomena, Richardson Diane et. al. Self-Help and Professionalism. Amsterdam: Stichting De Maan - p. 11-19.
– Dutch translation (1990) “Van het therapeutische naar het politieke front.” In Meulenbelt Anja, Sayers Janet, Essed, Philomena et. al. Visies op feministische therapie. Over liefde, geweld en racisme. Amsterdam: Stichting De Maan - p. 11-21.
- 1989 - A Vindication of the Rights of Whores. Seattle, edited by Gail Pheterson. Washington: The Seal Press - 293 p. - (Susan Koppelman Award 1990.)
– Spanish translation (1992) Nosotras las putas. Madrid: Talasa Ediciones, S.L. - 416 p.
- 1986a - The Whore Stigma. Female Dishonor and Male Unworthiness The Hague: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment - 126 p.
– Excerpts from Part Two reprinted (2002) as “The social consequences of unchastity.” In Heasley, Robert & Crane, Betsy (eds.) Sexual Lives: A Reader on the Theories and Realities of Human Sexualities. Boston: McGraw-Hill - p. 433-444.
– Chinese translation of Part One (1998, January) in Working Papers in Gender/Sexuality Studies, nos. 1&2, The Center for the Study of Sexualities, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan - p. 107-140.
– Reprinted with minor modifications in Pheterson (1996a/2000/2001).
– Excerpts from Part One reprinted (1993) in Social Text, 1993, winter, 11 (4), no. 37, Durham: Duke University Press - p. 39 64.
– Excerpts from Part Two reprinted (1990) as “The social consequences of unchaste identity and experience.” Revue Languedocienne de Sociologie Ethnologie, numéro spécial sur "Identités et Styles de Vie", Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3, no. 2 - p. 147 166.
– German translation (1990) Huren-Stigma. Hamburg: Verlag Galgenberg - 104 p.
– Excerpts from Part Two reprinted (1987) as “The social consequences of unchastity.” In Sex Work, Delacoste, Fréderique & Alexander, Priscilla (eds.), San Francisco: Cleis Press - p. 215-230.
– German translation (1987). “Die sozialen folgen der Unkeuschheit.” In Sex Arbeit. Frauen in der Sexindustrie. München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag - p. 182-203.
– Dutch translation (1986) Vrouweneer en Mannenadel: Over Het Stigma Hoer. The Hague: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (DCE) - 126 p.
- 1986b, fall - “Alliances between women: Overcoming internalized oppression and internalized domination” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 12 (1) - p. 141 160.
– Reprinted (1993) in Wetzel, Jodi et al (eds.) Women’s Studies: Thinking Women. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
– Reprinted (1990) in Bridges of Power: Women’s Multicultural Alliances. Albrecht, Lisa & Brewer, Rose (eds.), Philadelphia: New Society Publishers & the National Women’s Studies Association - p. 34-48.
– Reprinted (1988) in Reconstructing the Academy: Women’s Education and Women’s Studies. Jean O’Barr (ed.), University of Chicago Press - p. 139-153.
- 1982a, September - “Bondgenootschap tussen vrouwen: Een theoretiese en empiriese analyse van onderdrukking en bevrijding” (Dutch) Psychologie en Maatschappij [Psychology and Society], n°20 - p. 399 424. (Early version of Pheterson, 1986b).
- 1982b - “Academic feminism: Elitism versus excellence” Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 5 (1) - p. 83-85.
- 1981, summer - “Love in freedom” Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 21 (3) - p. 35-50.
- 1980 - “De opheffing van voortplantingsverpichtingen en sekse gebonden rollen” [The elimination of reproductive imperatives and sex roles]. In Sexuologie: een Interdisciplinaire Benadering, Frenken, Jos (ed.), Deventer, Pays Bas: Van Loghum Slaterus - p. 117-129
- 1978a, winter - “FORT: An integration of co-counseling and problem-solving in the Netherlands.” Issues in Radical Therapy.
- 1978b, March - “Radicale therapie.” Literatuurbulletin Sexuologie Hulpverlening, vol. 4, no. 1.
- 1971 - with Sara Kiesler and Philip Goldberg, “Evaluation of the performance of women as a function of their sex, achievement and personal history.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, n°19 - p. 114 118. (Citation Classic Award, 1983. The Social Sciences Citation Index # A1983RK21000001).
– Reprinted (1973/1976) in Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology , 2nd and 3rd edition. Wrightsman, Lawrence & John Brigham (eds.), Monterey: Brooks/Cole Publishers.
– Reprinted (1974) in Women: Independent or Dependent Variable. Unger, Rhoda & Denmark, Florence (eds.), New York: Psychological Dimensions, Inc.
Dictionnary entries, book reviews, commentaries
- 2016 - "At long last, listen to the women". Open Democracy. Beyond Trafficking and Slavery (BTS). 2 mars 2016.
- 2015 - “Sex Work” In Whelehan Patricia and Bolin Anne (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
- 2012 - "Prostitution" In The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Third Edition. Krieger, Joel (ed.). Oxford University Press, (modified from earlier editions).
- 2009, mars-avril - Compte-rendu dans Bulletin de Psychologie. Tome 62 (2) : 500, mars-avril 2009, de « John Gagnon Les scripts de la sexualité. Essais sur les origines culturelles du désir (traduit par M-H. Bourcier avec A. Giami). Paris : Payot et Rivages, 2008. »
- 2006 - “Stigma.” In Ditmore, Melissa (ed.). The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
- 2002 - spring - “Cross-cultural comparisons of early abortion method evaluations (letter to the editor).” The Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association (JAMWA), vol. 57, no. 2 – p.1-20.
- 2001 - "Prostitution." In The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Second Edition. Krieger, Joel (ed.). Oxford University Press.
- 2000 - "Prostitution." In Hirata, Helena ; Laborie, Françoise ; Le Doaré, Hélène & Senotier Danièle. (eds.). Dictionnaire du féminisme. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
– Trad. espagnole in Diccionario crítico del feminismo. Madrid, Sintesis, 2002.
– Trad. japonaise in Josei Gaku [Science des femmes], Tokyo, Fujiwara Shoten (coll. “ Jitem Yomu ” [Lire le dictionnaire], 2002.
- 1993 - “Prostitution.” In The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Krieger, J. (ed.). Oxford University Press (First edition).
Interviews, transcriptions
Interviews, transcriptions, extraits des travaux dans des magazines et journaux
- 2021 – Interview (March 13, 2021) and article extraits on wall of exhibition (Pheterson, Issues in Radical Therapy, 1976; Pheterson, Signs, 1986). A Special Issue on Power. An artistic research installation into the History of Radical Therapy. Curated by Inga Zimprich, Feminist Health Care Research Group, Berlin. Rotterdam (October 2021); Berlin (November 2021). Zoom lecture at Berlin District, Novembre 13, 2021.
- 2013 – Oristelle Bonis, Cynthia Kraus et Gail Pheterson « Translations du genre. Entretiens croisés » (propos recueillis par Isabelle Clair et Jacqueline Heinen), Cahiers du genre no. 54 "Rétrospectives" - p. 21-44.
- 2008, December - “Van radical psychiatrie naar vrouwenhulpverlening: Feministische therapie in Nederland” (Dutch), Deviant n°59 - p.18-19.
- 2007 - The Prostitution Prism (1996a/2001), excerpts:
– In Serbian (2007) chapter 4, Kontekst Galerija. Belgrade.
– En français (21 au 27 juin 2001), extraits de l’Introduction. Politis, n° 656 - p.31.
– In Catalan (abril 2001) excerpts from chapter 4. Ca La Dona, n°35. Barcelona, Departament de Cultura - p.10-11.
– In Polish (1998), excerpts from Introduction, “Przez Pryzmat Prostytucji” in OSKA, (3) - p. 42-45.
– In English/français/español (1997) excerpts from chapter 4 in Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights / Réseau mondial des femmes pour les droits sur la reproduction / Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos. Bulletin Newsletter vol.58, no. 2 - p. 9-14.
- 1998, printemps-été - «Les féministes face à l’antisémitisme et au racisme.» Supplément au Bulletin de l’ANEF (Association Nationale des Études Féministes), n°26, Paris - p. 60-66.
- 1995 - “Entrevista”, Gail Pheterson: ‘Los gobiernos deben descriminalizar la prostitución’. Madrid, El Mundo, Sociedad, domingo 12 marzo - p.76.
- 1997 - “The Whore Stigma” (1986a), excerpts in Moving the Whore Stigma. Report on the Asia and Pacific Regional Consultation on Prostitution. Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) and Foundation for Women (FFW), Bangkok - p. 46-52.
- 1994 - “Una nueva corriente de feministas y juistas aboga por la despenalización de la prostitución. Gail Pheterson plantea en Madrid lo que ya es abierta polémica en EE UU.” Madrid, El País, lunes 21 marzo - p.26.
- 1994, mayo - Entrevista a Gail Pheterson por Raquel Osborne. Hoja Informativa. Ilustre Colegio Nacional de doctores y licenciados en ciencias politicas y sociologia. Madrid - p.1-2.
- Rééditions en allemand de Pheterson (1994b) Droit d’asile, migration et prostitution :
– 1994 (Sommer) “Amnesty for Women, Prostitutionstourismus.” Fraunenhandel, Zwangsprostitution, 2 - p. 15-27.
– 1994 (Dezember) “Agisra, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gegen Internationale Sexuelle und Rassistische Ausbeutung e.V.” Rundbrief n°11 - p.40-51.
– 1994 (Dezember) SOZ Magazin, Die Überflüssigen und die Wohlmeinenden, n°26/9 – p.20-23.
- 1992 - «Les prostituées aujourd’hui. État des lieux», Interview in Lien Social, no. 152, 16 janvier - p. 5-8.
- 1992 - “Fuera de la ley.” Article in a special issue of El Pais titled El Libro de la Sexualidad, [The Sexuality Book], Ochao, Elena & Vazquez, Carmelo (eds.). Madrid.
- 1991 - “Las Prostitutas: Una Voz Propia. Crónica de un Encuentro” [Prostitutes: Their Own Voice] Transcripts edited in Spanish by Raquel Osborne of four presentations of Pheterson (ed.), A Vindication of the Rights of Whores (1989). Barcelona: ICARIA Editorial, S.A. - 123 p.
Biographical notes
Academic background
- Since 2017 – Ad-honorem Faculty of the School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Puerto Rico. Research associate of the project Saludpromujer.
- Since 2008 – Enseignant-chercheur [professor-cum-researcher], Sociological and Political Research Center of Paris (CRESPPA)/Urban Cultures and Societies (CSU), National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) & Université Paris 8, Social Science Doctoral School.
- Associate Professor [maître de conférences] in social psychology (1997-2016), Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France. Since 2016, Emeritus Associate Professor.
- 2006 - Qualification par le CNU (Conseil National des Universités)aux fonctions de professeur. [Qualification as Full Professor by an interdisciplinary jury of the French National Committee of Universities].
- 2005 – HDR, Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Accreditation to supervise research, including doctoral dissertations). Jury composed of professors/research directors from the University of Paris 8, the University of Caridiff (Wales), Université de Picardie et INSERM (National Medical Science Research Institute).
- Since 1997 – Associate Professor [maître de conférences] in social psychology, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.
- Delegate to the School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Puerto Rico (2004-2006). Ad-honorem Faculty Academic Rank (2006-2011).
- Fellow (Rockefeller) of the Program on Sexuality, Gender, Health and Human Rights (2000), Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York.
- Visiting Lecturer [maître de conferences associée] (1995-96), Department of Psychology, University of Lyon 2.
- Visiting Lecturer [maître de conferences associée] (1988-89/1991), Department of English, University Montpellier 3.
- Visiting Professor [Gasthoogleraar] (April-December 1986), Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Visiting Professor (January-March 1986), Departments of Psychology-Women’s Studies-International Affairs, University of South Florida, Tampa.
- Visiting Scholar, Sabbatical year (1983-84), University of California at Berkekey, Institute for the Study of Social Change.
- Associate Professor [Wetenschappelijk medewerkster] (1977-85) University of Utrecht, Department of Clinical Psychology and Personality, Netherlands.
- PhD in psychology, 1974, University of California at Riverside.
Biographical notes
Gail Pheterson (US born) studied psychology and philosophy at Connecticut College for Women, and did her doctoral work in social and community psychology at the University of California in Riverside (PhD, 1974). Training in radical and classical psychotherapy influenced her academic as well as political engagements. In 1975 she was invited together with Lillian Moed to the Netherlands by Dutch feminists critical of psychoanalytic traditions to conduct workshops in Radical Feminist Therapy (FORT). She then became lecturer at the Advanced Institute of Social Studies (IVABO) in Amsterdam and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Utrecht where she developed a women’s studies and a migrant studies program.
In 1979, she organized a network of structured groups within and outside the academy - the Feminist Alliance Project (Bondgenootscaap Tussen Vrouwen) - to examine the impact of racial, sexual and class designations on relations between women. When a team of social anthropologists (University of Leiden) working on prostitution issues, notably Gosina Mandersloot, joined the project, she began investigating the institutionalized division of women through gender-specific criminal laws. During a sabbatical year (1983-84) at the Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of California, Berkeley, she concentrated her studies on State regulation of women working in the sex industry as a normative paradigm of sexist controls and punishments.
Upon return to the Netherlands in 1985, Gail Pheterson wrote The Whore Stigma and organized, together with US prostitute activist Margo St. James, the World Whores’ Congresses (A Vindication of the Rights of Whores). Sex workers and allies at those congresses convened the International Committee for Prostitutes’ Rights and drafted the World Charter for Prostitutes’ Rights. For the next decade, Gail Pheterson’s work focused primarily upon mystified gender ideology as reflected in The Prostitution Prism. In the 1990s, she began to settle in France where she became associate professor of social psychology at the University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, and, in 2008, researcher at the Sociological and Political Research Center of Paris (CNRS/CRESPPA) and director of doctoral theses at the University of Paris 8.
During a visiting fellowship at Columbia University in New York (2000), she extended her theoretical work on the female gender stigma from sexual to reproductive classifications. Soon thereafter she was invited by the project Saludpromujer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Puerto Rico, to work on the regulation of pregnant women in the Caribbean. During a period of “delegation” (2004-2006) from the University of Picardie to the University of Puerto Rico Medical School, she and Yamila Azize Vargas, director of Saludpromujer, founded the Caribbean Initiative on Abortion and Contraception, initially as a study of safe illegal abortion and then as a springboard for numerous conferences, clinical trainings, and regional initiatives, notably the Caribbean Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, CARIWONET, and the Declaration for the Decriminalization of Abortion in the Caribbean signed by representatives of 14 Caribbean countries at the 2005 conference Safe Abortion in the Caribbean : From Law to Practice.
Gail Pheterson’s most recent work applies the regional model developed in the Caribbean to reproductive health issues in Africa. In 2007, she co-founded with Aimée Patricia Ndembi Ndembi the Middle Africa Network for Women’s Reproductive Health : Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea - GCG. Women’s resistance against constraint in the context of discriminatory laws and colonial borders guides ongoing research, training and mobilization of grass roots support systems. Other work in progress includes a return to the sociological study of psychodynamics.