Recherches en cours
- Advancing women’s access to safe abortion through coalition building and strengthening strategic advocacy in sub-Saharan Africa
A project financed by the CNRS Joint Africa Research Programme, carried out in partnership with the University KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Webpage :
- GBV-MIG : Violence against women migrants and refugees : Analyzing causes and effective policy response
A comparative European and international research project led by Jane Freedman at CRESPPA-GTM and funded by the European Union’s Gender-Net Plus Cofund
Website :
- Feminist Representations : Sexual Violence Against Women, Asylum and Testimony
A joint research project with Georgina Colby, University of Westminster
Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust
Website :
- Resilient Civilians in Hybrid and Population Centric Warfare
A joint research project led by Dr Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, UiT Norway.
Website :
Sharron FitzGerald et Jane Freedman, Gender, Equality and Social Justice : Anti-Trafficking, Sex Work and Migration Law and Policy in the EU, 1st edition, Routledge, coll. « Routledge Studies in Law and Humanity », septembre 2022 - 152 p.
This book addresses a gap in both contemporary theorising and empirical analysis of the European Union’s (EU) law and policy frameworks on migration, sex work and anti trafficking. Drawing on the authors’ previous research on these policies and with their practical experience of engaging with (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Gender, Violence and Politics in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Aldershot : Ashgate, 2015 - 163 p.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been called the ‘worst place in the world’ for women, with reports of widespread and horrific incidents of rape and sexual violence and almost complete impunity for the perpetrators of such violence. However, despite the high profile media reporting on (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, 2nd Edition, revised and updated, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 - 256 p.
This fully-revised second edition of Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate aims to remedy the current lack of gender-specific analyses of asylum and refugee issues. It provides a comprehensive account of the situation of women in global forced migration and explains the ways in (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Jérôme Valluy, Persécutions des femmes : savoirs, mobilisations et protections, Paris, Éditions du Croquant, 2007, 672 p.
Mariages forcés, grossesses ou avortements forcés, mutilations génitales, lapidations, défigurations à l’acide et autres crimes d’honneur, esclavages et violences domestiques sans recours, viols d’épurations ethniques, esclavage sexuel et prostitution forcée, privations traditionnelles ou (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 224 p.
Women make up at least half of the world’s refugees, but only a minority of asylum seekers who reach the West are female. International conventions as well as national laws and policies on asylum have frequently overlooked or ignored the gendered nature of asylum issues. Indeed, despite policies (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Immigration and Insecurity in France, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, 188 p.
The importance of the immigration issue in French politics has been highlighted by the success of Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the extreme-right Front National party, in reaching the second round of the presidential elections. This absorbing book closely examines the debate over immigration in (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Feminism, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2001, 106 p.
What is the relevance of feminist thought to today’s society ?* What do feminists mean by equality and difference ?* Can we find unity in feminist thought, or only conflict ?Feminism provides an introduction to some of the major debates within feminist theory and action. Focusing on the (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Femmes politiques : mythes et symboles, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1997, 286 p.
Comment expliquer l’exclusion des femmes du champ politique en France et en Grande-Bretagne ? Cet essai tente d’apporter une réponse à travers l’analyse des représentations dominantes des femmes dans ces deux sociétés ; les contraintes auxquelles les femmes doivent faire face sont symboliques (…) Lire la suite...
Coordination d’ouvrages et de de dossiers de revues
Jane Freedman, Alice Latouche, Adelina Miranda, Nina Sahraoui, Glenda Santana De Andrade et Elsa Tyszler (dirs.) The Gender of Borders. Embodied narratives of migration, violence and agency, London : Routledge, coll. « Studies in migration and diaspora », 2023 - 254 p.
This book brings an intersectional perspective to border studies, drawing on case studies from across the world to consider the ways in which notably gender and race dynamics change the ways in which people cross international borders, and how diffuse and virtual borders impact on migrants’ (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui et Evangelia Tastsoglou (Eds.), Gender-Based Violence in Migration : Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches, London & New York : Palgrave Macmillan, juillet 2022 - 271 p.
With contributions from a diverse array of international scholars, this edited volume offers a renewed understanding of gender-based violence (GBV) by examining its social and political dimensions in migration contexts. This book engages micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis by foregrounding (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman (Ed.), Gender and Insecurity. Migrant Women in Europe, Routledge, "Routledge Revivals" serie, 2017 - 208 p. (First Ed. 2003.)
This title was first published in 2003. Migration is a phenomenon which is at the heart of global politics and, within the EU, governments are continually trying to reinforce their controls of migration. These controls, designed to increase the security of European populations may, however, have (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Zeynep Kivilcim, Nurcan Ozgur Baklacioglu (ed.), A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Routledge, "Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration", 2017 - 180 p.
The refugee crisis that began in 2015 has seen thousands of refugees attempting to reach Europe, principally from Syria. The dangers and difficulties of this journey have been highlighted in the media, as have the political disagreements within Europe over the way to deal with the problem. (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman (ed.) Engaging Men in the Fight against Gender Violence : Case Studies from Africa, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Gender-based violence is a global phenomenon which affects millions worldwide. However, despite the increasing attention which is now paid to this violence by policy makers data seem to indicate that these efforts are not having as great an impact as may have been hoped. In all countries of the (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Jules Falquet, Aude Rabaud et Francesca Scrinzi (ed.) , « Femmes, Genre, Migrations et Mondialisation : Un état des problématiques », Cahiers du Cedref, n°16, 2008.
Début de l’introduction (Jules Falquet et Aude Rabaud, p.7-32)
« Voici donc la troisième livraison des Cahiers du CEDREF sur le thème des femmes, du genre et des migrations. Depuis le premier état des lieux publié par Mirjana Morokvasic en 1975 dans l’Année sociologique, les travaux en (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Carrie Tarr, Women, Immigration and Identities in France, Oxford, Berg, 2000, 197 p.
This book is the first to address the relationship between gender and immigration in contemporary France and the political and personal issues that affect women of immigrant origin. Focusing on the social and political aspects of women’s lives, the book investigates how they are affected by (…) Lire la suite...
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman, Victoria Mutambara and Yasmin Rajah. I still don’t know how someone gets pregnant” : determinants of poor reproductive health among young female refugees in South Africa, BMC Women’s Health, 24(1), 10.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman, Sex work or transactional sex ? Shifting the dialogue from risk to rights. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1), (2023°. 2210859.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman and Marcia Mutambara. "Intergenerational trajectories of inherited vulnerabilities amongst young women refugees in South Africa". Comparative Migration Studies
, Vol. 11, 2023, DOI 10.1186/s40878-023-00335-2.
- Julien Puech, François Le Yondre, and Jane Freedman. "Typology of European Sports Programmes for Welcoming Migrants : Contrasting Political Philosophies." Journal of International Migration and Integration (2023) : 1-31.
- Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui and Elsa Tyszler, "Asylum, Racism, and the Structural Production of Sexual Violence against Racialised Women in Exile in Paris", Social Sciences 2022, 11 (10).
- Carolien Aantjes, Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman, "Impacts of Colonial Legacies on the Rights and Security of Sex Workers in Southern Africa", International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law, 2022, 2 (1) : 273-297,
- Jane Freedman. "Immigration, Refugees and Responses". Journal of Common Market Studies. September 2021. DOI :
- Sharron FitzGerald & Jane Freedman. "Where is the justice in EU anti-trafficking policy ? Feminist reflections on European Union policy-making processes". European Journal of Women’s Studies. July 2021. doi:10.1177/13505068211029324
- Victoria Mutambara, Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman. "Assessing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Women Refugees in South Africa", Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Neha Singh, Michelle Lokot, Chi-Chi Undie, Rosemary Morgan, Anne Harmer, Jane Freedman, Shirin Heidari. "Research in Forced Displacement : Guidance for a Feminist and Decolonial Approach", The Lancet 397 : 10274, 2021, Available at :
- Jane Freedman, Mina Rakotoarindrasata et Jean de Dieu Randrianasolorivo, "Analysing the economies of transactional sex amongst young people : Case study of Madagascar", World Development, Vol. 138, 2021, Available at :
- Jane Freedman, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv & Velomahanina Tahinjanahary Razakamaharavo (2021). Identity, stability, Hybrid Threats and Disinformation. Journal ICONO14, 19(1), 38-69. Available at
- Jane Freedman, Tamaryn L. Crankshaw and Marcia V. Mutambara, "Sexual and reproductive health of asylum seeking and refugee women in South Africa : understanding the determinants of vulnerability", Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28 (1), 2020.
Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "La violencia femenina en los conflictos armados y la (no) reacción de los organismos internacionales", Etnografias, 6 (10), 2020, pp. 210-224.
Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "Grand Challenges : Refugees and Conflict", Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 1, October 2019,
- Jane Freedman, "The uses and abuses of "vulnerability" in EU asylum and refugee protection : Protecting women or reducing autonomy ?’, Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research ; Agencias desde la vulnerabilidad, mars 2019.
- Jane Freedman, "“After Calais” : creating and managing (in)security for refugees in Europe", French Politics, 16 (4), 2018, pp.400-418.
Available here
- Jane Freedman, "Peur, honte, humiliation ? Les émotions complexes des demandeurs d’asile et des réfugiés en Europe", Migrations Société, 2017, 168, pp.23-34.
- Jane Freedman, "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugee Women : A Hidden Aspect of the Refugee ’Crisis’", Reproductive Health Matters, 2016, 24 : 7, pp.18-26. Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "Engendering Security at the Borders of Europe : Women Migrants and the Mediterranean ’Crisis’", Journal of Refugee Studies, 2016, 29 : 4, pp. 568-582.
- Jane Freedman, "Genre, justice et droit pénal international", Cahiers du Genre, 57, 2014, pp. 39-54.
- Jane Freedman, "Treating Sexual Violence as a “Business” : Reflections on National and International Responses to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo", Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 18, 2014, pp. 125-143.
- Jane Freedman, "Analysing the Gendered Insecurities of Migration : A Case Study of Female Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco", International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012, pp. 36-55.
- Jane Freedman "Explaining Sexual Violence and Gender Inequalities in the Democratic Republic of Congo", Peace Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2011, pp. 170-175.
- Jane Freedman "The Réseau Education Sans Frontières : Reframing the Campaign against the Deportation of Migrants", Citizenship Studies, vol. 15, No. 5, 2011, pp.613-626.
- Jane Freedman « Les mobilisations féministes autour du droit d’asile : des normes internationales au droit national », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. 29, no. 1, 2010, pp.48-72.
- Jane Freedman, « Mainstreaming Gender in Refugee Protection », Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol, 23, No. 4, pp. 170-175.
- Jane Freedman, "Les résolutions internationales contre les violences faites aux femmes : un outil pour la protection ?", Science et Vidéo, No. 2.
- Jane Freedman « Protecting Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees : From International Norms to National Protection ? », International Migration, vol. 48, n°1, 2010, p. 175-198.
- Jane Freedman « Mobilising Against Detention and Deportation : Collective Actions Against the Detention and Deportation of “Failed” Asylum Seekers in France », French Politics, vol.7, n°3-4, 2009, p. 342–358.
- Jane Freedman « Women, Migration and Activism in Europe », Amnis, 2008.
- Jane Freedman « Nouvelles mobilisations autour de l’asile : le cas des persécutions spécifiques aux femmes », Asylon(s), 5, septembre 2008.
- Jane Freedman « Women Seeking Asylum : The Politics of Gender in the Asylum Determination Process », International Feminist Journal of Politics 10, 2, 2008, pp. 154-172.
- Jane Freedman « Women’s Right to Asylum : Protecting the Rights of Female Asylum Seekers in Europe ? », Human Rights Review, vol. 9, no. 4, 2008, pp. 413 - 433.
- Jane Freedman « Women, Islam and Rights in Europe : Beyond a Universalist/Culturalist Dichotomy », Review of International Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, 2007, pp. 49-70.
- Jane Freedman « Citizenship, Identity and Borders in an Enlarging Europe », Parliamentary Affairs, vol. 59, no. 4, 2006, pp. 709-712.
- Jane Freedman avec Nana Poku, « The Socio-Economic context of AIDS in Africa », Review of International Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, 2005, pp. 665-686.
- Jane Freedman avec S. Pallikadavath, H. Apte et L. Garde et W. Stones, ’Hiv/aids in rural india : context and health care needs’, Journal of Biosocial Science, vol. 37, no. 5, 2005, pp.641-655.
- Jane Freedman « Increasing Women’s Political Representation : The Limits of Constitutional Reform », West European Politics, 271, 1, 2004, pp. 104-124.
- Jane Freedman « Secularism as a barrier to integration : The French Dilemma », International Migration, vol. 42, no. 3, 2004, pp. 4-27.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament », Parliamentary Affairs, 55, 1, 2002, pp. 179-189.
- Jane Freedman « Parité as a mobilizing myth in the French feminist movement », Women in French Studies, no. 7, 1999, pp.237-249.
- Jane Freedman « Les hazards d’être femme en politique », Modern and Contemporary France, vol. 6, no. 3, 1998.
- Jane Freedman « Dominaçao simbolica no ambito politico : As representacoes das mulheres politicas na Gra-Bretanha et França », Cultura Vozes (Brésil), vol. 91, no. 2, 1997, pp.54-69.
- Jane Freedman « Can Women Tranform Politics ? Women’s Demands for Equal Representation as a Catalyst for Institutional Change », Contemporary Political Studies, vol. 191, no. 1, 1997, pp. 457- 468.
Autres articles
- Racisme à la frontière haute-alpine, in Plein Droit, No. 139. Available at ?article7168
- ’Remise en cause des frontièress supposées entre travail du sexe et sex transactionnel à Madagascar - Cas de Nosy Be’, Institut du Genre en Géopolotique, décembre 2020. Available at :
- ’The Gendered Experiences of Refugees : Time for Action’, The Gender Security Project, 16 mars 2020.
- ’L’exil au féminin : des violences là-bas, sur le chemin... et ici’, L’observatoire, 2018, no.95,
- ’Violences de genre et « crise » des réfugié·e·s en Europe’, Mouvements, 2018/1, 93, pp. 60-65.
- ’Conflits, "Crises" et Femmes Réfugiées en Europe’, Confluences Méditerranée, No. 103, 2017, pp. 31-39.
- Young, Female and Refugee ? Women in the European Refugee "Crisis", {}Frauen Solidaritat , 140, 2017, pp.14-15.
- Understanding Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sustainable Security, 11 May 2016.
- Who’s responsible for violence against migrant women, Open Democracy, 28 August 2015.
- « En France, quelle protection pour les victimes de persécutions liées au genre ? », In ProAsile (Revue de l’association France Terre d’Asile), mars 2009.
- « Persécutions des femmes », In Mémoires (Revue trimestrielle d’information de l’Association Primo Levi), no. 47, pp. 4-5, mars 2008.
- « Violence Against Asylum Seeking Women in Europe », Fempower (Journal of the European WAVE Network), no. 5, 2002, pp. 9-16.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
- Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui and Elsa Tyszler. "Gender-based Violence as a ‘Consequence of Migration’ : How Culturalist Framings of GBV Ignore Structural Violence Against Migrant Women in France". In : Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N., Tastsoglou, E. (eds) Gender-Based Violence in Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2022.
- Nina Sahraoui and Jane Freedman. "Gender-Based Violence as a Continuum in the Lives of Women Seeking Asylum : From Resistance to Patriarchy to Patterns of Institutional Violence in France". In : Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N., Tastsoglou, E. (eds) Gender-Based Violence in Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2022 ;
- Jane Freedman, "Gendered Perspectives on Maritime Security", in R. Boşilcă, S. Ferreira and B. Ryan (eds), Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security, Routledge, 2022.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman and Victoria Mutambara, "Examining the Gendered Experiences of Migrant and Refugee Women in Southern Africa", in D. Bhana, M. Crewe and P. Aggleton (eds), Sex,{} Sexuality and Sexual Health in Southern Africa , Routledge, 2022 ; pp. 127-141.
- Jane Freedman, « La Cour pénale internationale et les luttes contre les violences sexuelles », in C. Bosvieux-Onyekwelu et Véronique Mottier (eds), Genre, droit et politique, Droit et Société, No. 61, 2022, pp. 129-149
- Jane Freedman et Elsa Tyszler, « De Nador a Lesbos : una mirada a la violencia sexual contra las mujeres ilegalizadas en las fronteras de Europa », in A. Cortés Maisonave et J. Manjarrez Rosas (eds), Género y movilidades:lecturas feministas de la migración, Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2021, pp.355-375.
- Jane Freedman. "Protection gaps for women and girls in refugee crises", in Action Aid (ed), Women Refugee Voices from Asia and Africa, India, Routledge, 2021.
- Jane Freedman, "Domestic Violence through a Human Rights Lens", in J. Devaney et al. (eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Abingdon and New York : Routledge, 2021, pp. 68-79.
- Jane Freedman, Tamaryn Crankshaw, Carolien Aantjes, Russell Armstrong and Nana K Poku, "Young Key Populations in Southern Africa", in K. Govender and N.K. Poku (eds), Preventing HIV amongs Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa, Abingdon and New York : Routledge, 2021.
- Jane Freedman, "Gender and Population Movements", in C. de Jonge Oudraat and M. Brown (eds), The Gender and Security Agenda, New York : Routledge, 2020.
- Jane Freedman, "The Creation of an International "Cause" and its Implementation in a National Context : The Fight against Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo", in I. Cirstocea, D. Lacombe et E. Marteu (eds), The Globalization of Gender : Knowledge, Mobilizations, Frameworks of Action, London : Routledge, 2019.
- Jane Freedman, "Amateur Humanitarianism, Social Solidarity and “Volunteer Tourism” in the EU Refugee “Crisis”", in A. Ahmad and J. Smith (eds), Humanitarian Action and Ethics, London : Zed Books, 2018.
- Jane Freedman, "La lutte contre les violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre en RDC. Les impacts locaux d’une politique internationale", in I. Cirstocea, D. Lacombe et E. Marteu (eds), La globalisation du genre : mobilisations, cadres d’actions, savoirs, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018.
- Jane Freedman, "Mainstreaming Gender in EU Immigration and Asylum Policy", in H. MacRae and E. Weiner (eds), Towards Gendering Institutionalism, London and New York : Rowman and Littlefield, 2017, pp. 145-165.
- Jane Freedman, "Asylum and Refugees", in J. Steans and D. Tepe (eds), Handbook of Gender in World Politics, Oxford : Edward Elgar, 2016, pp. 179-187.
- Jane Freedman "Taking Gender Seriously in Asylum and Refugee Policies", in K. Khory (dir), Global Migration : Challenges in the 21st Century, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 45-56.
- Jane Freedman "The Feminisation of Asylum Migration from Africa : Problems and Perspectives", in A. Kane and T. H. Leedy (dir), African Migration : Patterns and Perspectives, Indiana University Press, 2013, pp. 211-229.
- Jane Freedman, « Une violence "invisible" : Les violences des femmes pendant les conflits armés et les (non)-réactions des organisations internationales », in C. Cardi et G. Pruvost (dir), Penser la violence des femmes, Paris : La Découverte, 2012.
- Jane Freedman « A Gendered Protection for the "Victims" of War : Mainstreaming Gender in Refugee Protection », in A. Kronsell et E. Svedberg (dir), Making Gender, Making War, London and New York : Routledge, 2012, pp. 121-135.
- Jane Freedman « Immigration and Trade Unions in France : The “Problem” of the Sans-Papiers », in Olga Jubany (dir), Sindicatos e Immigracion en Europa : 1999-2010, Series Analisis Contemporaneo : Icaria Antrazyt Ediciones, 2011.
- Jane Freedman « The French “Sans-Papiers” Movement : An Unfinished Struggle ? », in Wendy Pojman (dir), Migration and Activism in Europe, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 81-99.
- Jane Freedman « Une analyse ‘genrée’ des politiques européennes de l’asile », in Cédric Audebert et Emmanuel Ma Mung (eds), Les migrations internationales : enjeux contemporains et questions nouvelles, Bilbao, Université de Deusto (Humanitarian Net), 2008, pp. 257-269.
- Jane Freedman « Genre et migration forcée : les femmes exilées en Europe », in Jules Falquet, Aude Rabaud, Jane Freedman and Francesca Scrinzi (eds), Femmes, Genre, Migrations et Mondialisation : Un état des problématiques, Paris, CEDREF, 2008, pp. 169-189.
- Jane Freedman et Jérôme Valluy, « Persécutions genrées des femmes », in Jane Freedman and Jérôme Valluy (dir), Persécutions des femmes : savoirs mobilisations et protections, Paris : Éditions du Croquant, 2007, pp. 7-31.
- Jane Freedman « Droit d’asile pour les femmes persecutées : la Convention de Genève revisitée ? », in Jane Freedman and Jérôme Valluy (dir), Persécutions des femmes : savoirs mobilisations et protections, Paris : Éditions du Croquant, 2007, pp. 451-506.
- Jane Freedman « The Headscarf Debate : Muslim Women in Europe and the “War on Terror” », in Krista Hunt and Kim Rygiel (dir), Engendering the War on Terror : War Stories and Camouflage Politics, Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006, pp. 169-190.
- Jane Freedman et Lucy Mazdon, « Un repli sur lui-même du débat public, in Guy Lochard (dir.), Les débats publics dans les télévisions européennes, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2006, pp. 101-133.
- Jane Freedman et Nana Poku, « State Responses to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic », in Ulf Engel et Gorm Rye Olsen (dir.), Understanding the African Exception, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005.
- Jane Freedman « Introduire le genre dans le débat sur l’asile politique : l’insecurité croissante pour les femmes réfugiées en Europe », in Madeleine Hersent and Claude Zaidman (dir), Genre, Travail et Migration en Europe, Paris, Université de Paris VII, 2003, pp. 61-79.
- Jane Freedman « Selling Sex : Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Amongst Migrant Women in Europe », in Jane Freedman (dir.), Gender and Insecurity : Migrant Women in Europe, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003, pp. 119-138.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament », in Karen Ross (dir,), Women, Politics and Change, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 179-190.
- Jane Freedman « L’affaire des foulards : Defining a feminist anti-racist strategy in French schools », in Katherine Blee et France Twine (dir), Feminism and Anti-Racism : International Struggles, New York University Press, 2001, pp. 295-313.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament : Uniting and representing women’s interests ? », in Barry Axford, Danielle Berghahn et Nick Hewlett (dir), Unity and Diversity in the New Europe, Bern, Peter Lang, 2000.
- Jane Freedman « Immigrant and ethnic minority women in Contemporary France », in Ursula Tidd et Abigail Gregory (dir.), Women in Contemporary France, Oxford, Berg, 2000.
- Jane Freedman « Women and Immigration : Nationality and Citizenship », in Jane Freedman et Carrie Tarr (dir.), Women, Immigration and Identities in France. Oxford, Berg, 2000, pp. 13- 28.
- Jane Freedman « Fin-de-siècle feminism : Le Mouvement pour la parité », in Kay Chadwick et Tim Unwin (dir.), New Perspectives on the Fin-de-Siècle in France. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2000, pp. 75-95.
Sharron FitzGerald et Jane Freedman, Gender, Equality and Social Justice : Anti-Trafficking, Sex Work and Migration Law and Policy in the EU, 1st edition, Routledge, coll. « Routledge Studies in Law and Humanity », septembre 2022 - 152 p.
This book addresses a gap in both contemporary theorising and empirical analysis of the European Union’s (EU) law and policy frameworks on migration, sex work and anti trafficking. Drawing on the authors’ previous research on these policies and with their practical experience of engaging with (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Gender, Violence and Politics in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Aldershot : Ashgate, 2015 - 163 p.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been called the ‘worst place in the world’ for women, with reports of widespread and horrific incidents of rape and sexual violence and almost complete impunity for the perpetrators of such violence. However, despite the high profile media reporting on (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, 2nd Edition, revised and updated, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 - 256 p.
This fully-revised second edition of Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate aims to remedy the current lack of gender-specific analyses of asylum and refugee issues. It provides a comprehensive account of the situation of women in global forced migration and explains the ways in (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Jérôme Valluy, Persécutions des femmes : savoirs, mobilisations et protections, Paris, Éditions du Croquant, 2007, 672 p.
Mariages forcés, grossesses ou avortements forcés, mutilations génitales, lapidations, défigurations à l’acide et autres crimes d’honneur, esclavages et violences domestiques sans recours, viols d’épurations ethniques, esclavage sexuel et prostitution forcée, privations traditionnelles ou (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 224 p.
Women make up at least half of the world’s refugees, but only a minority of asylum seekers who reach the West are female. International conventions as well as national laws and policies on asylum have frequently overlooked or ignored the gendered nature of asylum issues. Indeed, despite policies (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Immigration and Insecurity in France, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, 188 p.
The importance of the immigration issue in French politics has been highlighted by the success of Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the extreme-right Front National party, in reaching the second round of the presidential elections. This absorbing book closely examines the debate over immigration in (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Feminism, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2001, 106 p.
What is the relevance of feminist thought to today’s society ?* What do feminists mean by equality and difference ?* Can we find unity in feminist thought, or only conflict ?Feminism provides an introduction to some of the major debates within feminist theory and action. Focusing on the (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman Femmes politiques : mythes et symboles, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1997, 286 p.
Comment expliquer l’exclusion des femmes du champ politique en France et en Grande-Bretagne ? Cet essai tente d’apporter une réponse à travers l’analyse des représentations dominantes des femmes dans ces deux sociétés ; les contraintes auxquelles les femmes doivent faire face sont symboliques (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Alice Latouche, Adelina Miranda, Nina Sahraoui, Glenda Santana De Andrade et Elsa Tyszler (dirs.) The Gender of Borders. Embodied narratives of migration, violence and agency, London : Routledge, coll. « Studies in migration and diaspora », 2023 - 254 p.
This book brings an intersectional perspective to border studies, drawing on case studies from across the world to consider the ways in which notably gender and race dynamics change the ways in which people cross international borders, and how diffuse and virtual borders impact on migrants’ (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui et Evangelia Tastsoglou (Eds.), Gender-Based Violence in Migration : Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches, London & New York : Palgrave Macmillan, juillet 2022 - 271 p.
With contributions from a diverse array of international scholars, this edited volume offers a renewed understanding of gender-based violence (GBV) by examining its social and political dimensions in migration contexts. This book engages micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis by foregrounding (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman (Ed.), Gender and Insecurity. Migrant Women in Europe, Routledge, "Routledge Revivals" serie, 2017 - 208 p. (First Ed. 2003.)
This title was first published in 2003. Migration is a phenomenon which is at the heart of global politics and, within the EU, governments are continually trying to reinforce their controls of migration. These controls, designed to increase the security of European populations may, however, have (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, Zeynep Kivilcim, Nurcan Ozgur Baklacioglu (ed.), A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Routledge, "Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration", 2017 - 180 p.
The refugee crisis that began in 2015 has seen thousands of refugees attempting to reach Europe, principally from Syria. The dangers and difficulties of this journey have been highlighted in the media, as have the political disagreements within Europe over the way to deal with the problem. (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman (ed.) Engaging Men in the Fight against Gender Violence : Case Studies from Africa, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Gender-based violence is a global phenomenon which affects millions worldwide. However, despite the increasing attention which is now paid to this violence by policy makers data seem to indicate that these efforts are not having as great an impact as may have been hoped. In all countries of the (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Jules Falquet, Aude Rabaud et Francesca Scrinzi (ed.) , « Femmes, Genre, Migrations et Mondialisation : Un état des problématiques », Cahiers du Cedref, n°16, 2008.
Début de l’introduction (Jules Falquet et Aude Rabaud, p.7-32) « Voici donc la troisième livraison des Cahiers du CEDREF sur le thème des femmes, du genre et des migrations. Depuis le premier état des lieux publié par Mirjana Morokvasic en 1975 dans l’Année sociologique, les travaux en (…) Lire la suite...
Jane Freedman, avec Carrie Tarr, Women, Immigration and Identities in France, Oxford, Berg, 2000, 197 p.
This book is the first to address the relationship between gender and immigration in contemporary France and the political and personal issues that affect women of immigrant origin. Focusing on the social and political aspects of women’s lives, the book investigates how they are affected by (…) Lire la suite...
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman, Victoria Mutambara and Yasmin Rajah. I still don’t know how someone gets pregnant” : determinants of poor reproductive health among young female refugees in South Africa, BMC Women’s Health, 24(1), 10.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman, Sex work or transactional sex ? Shifting the dialogue from risk to rights. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1), (2023°. 2210859.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman and Marcia Mutambara. "Intergenerational trajectories of inherited vulnerabilities amongst young women refugees in South Africa". Comparative Migration Studies
, Vol. 11, 2023, DOI 10.1186/s40878-023-00335-2.
- Julien Puech, François Le Yondre, and Jane Freedman. "Typology of European Sports Programmes for Welcoming Migrants : Contrasting Political Philosophies." Journal of International Migration and Integration (2023) : 1-31.
- Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui and Elsa Tyszler, "Asylum, Racism, and the Structural Production of Sexual Violence against Racialised Women in Exile in Paris", Social Sciences 2022, 11 (10).
- Carolien Aantjes, Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman, "Impacts of Colonial Legacies on the Rights and Security of Sex Workers in Southern Africa", International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law, 2022, 2 (1) : 273-297,
- Jane Freedman. "Immigration, Refugees and Responses". Journal of Common Market Studies. September 2021. DOI :
- Sharron FitzGerald & Jane Freedman. "Where is the justice in EU anti-trafficking policy ? Feminist reflections on European Union policy-making processes". European Journal of Women’s Studies. July 2021. doi:10.1177/13505068211029324
- Victoria Mutambara, Tamaryn Crankshaw and Jane Freedman. "Assessing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Women Refugees in South Africa", Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Neha Singh, Michelle Lokot, Chi-Chi Undie, Rosemary Morgan, Anne Harmer, Jane Freedman, Shirin Heidari. "Research in Forced Displacement : Guidance for a Feminist and Decolonial Approach", The Lancet 397 : 10274, 2021, Available at :
- Jane Freedman, Mina Rakotoarindrasata et Jean de Dieu Randrianasolorivo, "Analysing the economies of transactional sex amongst young people : Case study of Madagascar", World Development, Vol. 138, 2021, Available at :
- Jane Freedman, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv & Velomahanina Tahinjanahary Razakamaharavo (2021). Identity, stability, Hybrid Threats and Disinformation. Journal ICONO14, 19(1), 38-69. Available at
- Jane Freedman, Tamaryn L. Crankshaw and Marcia V. Mutambara, "Sexual and reproductive health of asylum seeking and refugee women in South Africa : understanding the determinants of vulnerability", Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28 (1), 2020.
Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "La violencia femenina en los conflictos armados y la (no) reacción de los organismos internacionales", Etnografias, 6 (10), 2020, pp. 210-224.
Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "Grand Challenges : Refugees and Conflict", Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 1, October 2019,
- Jane Freedman, "The uses and abuses of "vulnerability" in EU asylum and refugee protection : Protecting women or reducing autonomy ?’, Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research ; Agencias desde la vulnerabilidad, mars 2019.
- Jane Freedman, "“After Calais” : creating and managing (in)security for refugees in Europe", French Politics, 16 (4), 2018, pp.400-418.
Available here
- Jane Freedman, "Peur, honte, humiliation ? Les émotions complexes des demandeurs d’asile et des réfugiés en Europe", Migrations Société, 2017, 168, pp.23-34.
- Jane Freedman, "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugee Women : A Hidden Aspect of the Refugee ’Crisis’", Reproductive Health Matters, 2016, 24 : 7, pp.18-26. Available at :
- Jane Freedman, "Engendering Security at the Borders of Europe : Women Migrants and the Mediterranean ’Crisis’", Journal of Refugee Studies, 2016, 29 : 4, pp. 568-582.
- Jane Freedman, "Genre, justice et droit pénal international", Cahiers du Genre, 57, 2014, pp. 39-54.
- Jane Freedman, "Treating Sexual Violence as a “Business” : Reflections on National and International Responses to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo", Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 18, 2014, pp. 125-143.
- Jane Freedman, "Analysing the Gendered Insecurities of Migration : A Case Study of Female Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco", International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012, pp. 36-55.
- Jane Freedman "Explaining Sexual Violence and Gender Inequalities in the Democratic Republic of Congo", Peace Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2011, pp. 170-175.
- Jane Freedman "The Réseau Education Sans Frontières : Reframing the Campaign against the Deportation of Migrants", Citizenship Studies, vol. 15, No. 5, 2011, pp.613-626.
- Jane Freedman « Les mobilisations féministes autour du droit d’asile : des normes internationales au droit national », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. 29, no. 1, 2010, pp.48-72.
- Jane Freedman, « Mainstreaming Gender in Refugee Protection », Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol, 23, No. 4, pp. 170-175.
- Jane Freedman, "Les résolutions internationales contre les violences faites aux femmes : un outil pour la protection ?", Science et Vidéo, No. 2.
- Jane Freedman « Protecting Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees : From International Norms to National Protection ? », International Migration, vol. 48, n°1, 2010, p. 175-198.
- Jane Freedman « Mobilising Against Detention and Deportation : Collective Actions Against the Detention and Deportation of “Failed” Asylum Seekers in France », French Politics, vol.7, n°3-4, 2009, p. 342–358.
- Jane Freedman « Women, Migration and Activism in Europe », Amnis, 2008.
- Jane Freedman « Nouvelles mobilisations autour de l’asile : le cas des persécutions spécifiques aux femmes », Asylon(s), 5, septembre 2008.
- Jane Freedman « Women Seeking Asylum : The Politics of Gender in the Asylum Determination Process », International Feminist Journal of Politics 10, 2, 2008, pp. 154-172.
- Jane Freedman « Women’s Right to Asylum : Protecting the Rights of Female Asylum Seekers in Europe ? », Human Rights Review, vol. 9, no. 4, 2008, pp. 413 - 433.
- Jane Freedman « Women, Islam and Rights in Europe : Beyond a Universalist/Culturalist Dichotomy », Review of International Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, 2007, pp. 49-70.
- Jane Freedman « Citizenship, Identity and Borders in an Enlarging Europe », Parliamentary Affairs, vol. 59, no. 4, 2006, pp. 709-712.
- Jane Freedman avec Nana Poku, « The Socio-Economic context of AIDS in Africa », Review of International Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, 2005, pp. 665-686.
- Jane Freedman avec S. Pallikadavath, H. Apte et L. Garde et W. Stones, ’Hiv/aids in rural india : context and health care needs’, Journal of Biosocial Science, vol. 37, no. 5, 2005, pp.641-655.
- Jane Freedman « Increasing Women’s Political Representation : The Limits of Constitutional Reform », West European Politics, 271, 1, 2004, pp. 104-124.
- Jane Freedman « Secularism as a barrier to integration : The French Dilemma », International Migration, vol. 42, no. 3, 2004, pp. 4-27.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament », Parliamentary Affairs, 55, 1, 2002, pp. 179-189.
- Jane Freedman « Parité as a mobilizing myth in the French feminist movement », Women in French Studies, no. 7, 1999, pp.237-249.
- Jane Freedman « Les hazards d’être femme en politique », Modern and Contemporary France, vol. 6, no. 3, 1998.
- Jane Freedman « Dominaçao simbolica no ambito politico : As representacoes das mulheres politicas na Gra-Bretanha et França », Cultura Vozes (Brésil), vol. 91, no. 2, 1997, pp.54-69.
- Jane Freedman « Can Women Tranform Politics ? Women’s Demands for Equal Representation as a Catalyst for Institutional Change », Contemporary Political Studies, vol. 191, no. 1, 1997, pp. 457- 468.
Autres articles
- Racisme à la frontière haute-alpine, in Plein Droit, No. 139. Available at ?article7168
- ’Remise en cause des frontièress supposées entre travail du sexe et sex transactionnel à Madagascar - Cas de Nosy Be’, Institut du Genre en Géopolotique, décembre 2020. Available at :
- ’The Gendered Experiences of Refugees : Time for Action’, The Gender Security Project, 16 mars 2020.
- ’L’exil au féminin : des violences là-bas, sur le chemin... et ici’, L’observatoire, 2018, no.95,
- ’Violences de genre et « crise » des réfugié·e·s en Europe’, Mouvements, 2018/1, 93, pp. 60-65.
- ’Conflits, "Crises" et Femmes Réfugiées en Europe’, Confluences Méditerranée, No. 103, 2017, pp. 31-39.
- Young, Female and Refugee ? Women in the European Refugee "Crisis", {}Frauen Solidaritat , 140, 2017, pp.14-15.
- Understanding Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sustainable Security, 11 May 2016.
- Who’s responsible for violence against migrant women, Open Democracy, 28 August 2015.
- « En France, quelle protection pour les victimes de persécutions liées au genre ? », In ProAsile (Revue de l’association France Terre d’Asile), mars 2009.
- « Persécutions des femmes », In Mémoires (Revue trimestrielle d’information de l’Association Primo Levi), no. 47, pp. 4-5, mars 2008.
- « Violence Against Asylum Seeking Women in Europe », Fempower (Journal of the European WAVE Network), no. 5, 2002, pp. 9-16.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
- Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui and Elsa Tyszler. "Gender-based Violence as a ‘Consequence of Migration’ : How Culturalist Framings of GBV Ignore Structural Violence Against Migrant Women in France". In : Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N., Tastsoglou, E. (eds) Gender-Based Violence in Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2022.
- Nina Sahraoui and Jane Freedman. "Gender-Based Violence as a Continuum in the Lives of Women Seeking Asylum : From Resistance to Patriarchy to Patterns of Institutional Violence in France". In : Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N., Tastsoglou, E. (eds) Gender-Based Violence in Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2022 ;
- Jane Freedman, "Gendered Perspectives on Maritime Security", in R. Boşilcă, S. Ferreira and B. Ryan (eds), Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security, Routledge, 2022.
- Tamaryn Crankshaw, Jane Freedman and Victoria Mutambara, "Examining the Gendered Experiences of Migrant and Refugee Women in Southern Africa", in D. Bhana, M. Crewe and P. Aggleton (eds), Sex,{} Sexuality and Sexual Health in Southern Africa , Routledge, 2022 ; pp. 127-141.
- Jane Freedman, « La Cour pénale internationale et les luttes contre les violences sexuelles », in C. Bosvieux-Onyekwelu et Véronique Mottier (eds), Genre, droit et politique, Droit et Société, No. 61, 2022, pp. 129-149
- Jane Freedman et Elsa Tyszler, « De Nador a Lesbos : una mirada a la violencia sexual contra las mujeres ilegalizadas en las fronteras de Europa », in A. Cortés Maisonave et J. Manjarrez Rosas (eds), Género y movilidades:lecturas feministas de la migración, Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2021, pp.355-375.
- Jane Freedman. "Protection gaps for women and girls in refugee crises", in Action Aid (ed), Women Refugee Voices from Asia and Africa, India, Routledge, 2021.
- Jane Freedman, "Domestic Violence through a Human Rights Lens", in J. Devaney et al. (eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Abingdon and New York : Routledge, 2021, pp. 68-79.
- Jane Freedman, Tamaryn Crankshaw, Carolien Aantjes, Russell Armstrong and Nana K Poku, "Young Key Populations in Southern Africa", in K. Govender and N.K. Poku (eds), Preventing HIV amongs Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa, Abingdon and New York : Routledge, 2021.
- Jane Freedman, "Gender and Population Movements", in C. de Jonge Oudraat and M. Brown (eds), The Gender and Security Agenda, New York : Routledge, 2020.
- Jane Freedman, "The Creation of an International "Cause" and its Implementation in a National Context : The Fight against Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo", in I. Cirstocea, D. Lacombe et E. Marteu (eds), The Globalization of Gender : Knowledge, Mobilizations, Frameworks of Action, London : Routledge, 2019.
- Jane Freedman, "Amateur Humanitarianism, Social Solidarity and “Volunteer Tourism” in the EU Refugee “Crisis”", in A. Ahmad and J. Smith (eds), Humanitarian Action and Ethics, London : Zed Books, 2018.
- Jane Freedman, "La lutte contre les violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre en RDC. Les impacts locaux d’une politique internationale", in I. Cirstocea, D. Lacombe et E. Marteu (eds), La globalisation du genre : mobilisations, cadres d’actions, savoirs, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018.
- Jane Freedman, "Mainstreaming Gender in EU Immigration and Asylum Policy", in H. MacRae and E. Weiner (eds), Towards Gendering Institutionalism, London and New York : Rowman and Littlefield, 2017, pp. 145-165.
- Jane Freedman, "Asylum and Refugees", in J. Steans and D. Tepe (eds), Handbook of Gender in World Politics, Oxford : Edward Elgar, 2016, pp. 179-187.
- Jane Freedman "Taking Gender Seriously in Asylum and Refugee Policies", in K. Khory (dir), Global Migration : Challenges in the 21st Century, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 45-56.
- Jane Freedman "The Feminisation of Asylum Migration from Africa : Problems and Perspectives", in A. Kane and T. H. Leedy (dir), African Migration : Patterns and Perspectives, Indiana University Press, 2013, pp. 211-229.
- Jane Freedman, « Une violence "invisible" : Les violences des femmes pendant les conflits armés et les (non)-réactions des organisations internationales », in C. Cardi et G. Pruvost (dir), Penser la violence des femmes, Paris : La Découverte, 2012.
- Jane Freedman « A Gendered Protection for the "Victims" of War : Mainstreaming Gender in Refugee Protection », in A. Kronsell et E. Svedberg (dir), Making Gender, Making War, London and New York : Routledge, 2012, pp. 121-135.
- Jane Freedman « Immigration and Trade Unions in France : The “Problem” of the Sans-Papiers », in Olga Jubany (dir), Sindicatos e Immigracion en Europa : 1999-2010, Series Analisis Contemporaneo : Icaria Antrazyt Ediciones, 2011.
- Jane Freedman « The French “Sans-Papiers” Movement : An Unfinished Struggle ? », in Wendy Pojman (dir), Migration and Activism in Europe, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 81-99.
- Jane Freedman « Une analyse ‘genrée’ des politiques européennes de l’asile », in Cédric Audebert et Emmanuel Ma Mung (eds), Les migrations internationales : enjeux contemporains et questions nouvelles, Bilbao, Université de Deusto (Humanitarian Net), 2008, pp. 257-269.
- Jane Freedman « Genre et migration forcée : les femmes exilées en Europe », in Jules Falquet, Aude Rabaud, Jane Freedman and Francesca Scrinzi (eds), Femmes, Genre, Migrations et Mondialisation : Un état des problématiques, Paris, CEDREF, 2008, pp. 169-189.
- Jane Freedman et Jérôme Valluy, « Persécutions genrées des femmes », in Jane Freedman and Jérôme Valluy (dir), Persécutions des femmes : savoirs mobilisations et protections, Paris : Éditions du Croquant, 2007, pp. 7-31.
- Jane Freedman « Droit d’asile pour les femmes persecutées : la Convention de Genève revisitée ? », in Jane Freedman and Jérôme Valluy (dir), Persécutions des femmes : savoirs mobilisations et protections, Paris : Éditions du Croquant, 2007, pp. 451-506.
- Jane Freedman « The Headscarf Debate : Muslim Women in Europe and the “War on Terror” », in Krista Hunt and Kim Rygiel (dir), Engendering the War on Terror : War Stories and Camouflage Politics, Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006, pp. 169-190.
- Jane Freedman et Lucy Mazdon, « Un repli sur lui-même du débat public, in Guy Lochard (dir.), Les débats publics dans les télévisions européennes, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2006, pp. 101-133.
- Jane Freedman et Nana Poku, « State Responses to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic », in Ulf Engel et Gorm Rye Olsen (dir.), Understanding the African Exception, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005.
- Jane Freedman « Introduire le genre dans le débat sur l’asile politique : l’insecurité croissante pour les femmes réfugiées en Europe », in Madeleine Hersent and Claude Zaidman (dir), Genre, Travail et Migration en Europe, Paris, Université de Paris VII, 2003, pp. 61-79.
- Jane Freedman « Selling Sex : Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Amongst Migrant Women in Europe », in Jane Freedman (dir.), Gender and Insecurity : Migrant Women in Europe, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003, pp. 119-138.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament », in Karen Ross (dir,), Women, Politics and Change, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 179-190.
- Jane Freedman « L’affaire des foulards : Defining a feminist anti-racist strategy in French schools », in Katherine Blee et France Twine (dir), Feminism and Anti-Racism : International Struggles, New York University Press, 2001, pp. 295-313.
- Jane Freedman « Women in the European Parliament : Uniting and representing women’s interests ? », in Barry Axford, Danielle Berghahn et Nick Hewlett (dir), Unity and Diversity in the New Europe, Bern, Peter Lang, 2000.
- Jane Freedman « Immigrant and ethnic minority women in Contemporary France », in Ursula Tidd et Abigail Gregory (dir.), Women in Contemporary France, Oxford, Berg, 2000.
- Jane Freedman « Women and Immigration : Nationality and Citizenship », in Jane Freedman et Carrie Tarr (dir.), Women, Immigration and Identities in France. Oxford, Berg, 2000, pp. 13- 28.
- Jane Freedman « Fin-de-siècle feminism : Le Mouvement pour la parité », in Kay Chadwick et Tim Unwin (dir.), New Perspectives on the Fin-de-Siècle in France. Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2000, pp. 75-95.
Rapports de recherche
- Jane Freedman, Left behind : How the world is failing women and girls on refugee family reunion, Rapport pour CARE International, 2017,
- Jane Freedman et Bahija Jamal, Rapport pour le Réseau Euro-Méditerranean des Droits de l’Homme, Violence Against Migrant Women in the Euro-Med Region, Copenhagen : EMHRN, 2009.
- Jane Freedman et Bahija Jamal, Violence à l’égard des femmes migrantes et réfugiées dans la région euro-méditerranéenne, Copenhagen : EMHRN, 2009.
- Rapport pour le UNHCR (Paris) Female asylum seekers and refugees in France UNHCR Legal and Protection Policy Research Series, 2009.
- Rapport de recherche dans le cadre d’une bourse de recherche de la Mairie de Paris, L’accueil des femmes demandeuses d’asile et réfugiées à Paris et à Londres, 2006.
- Rapport pour UN Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance ‘HIV/AIDS and the health sector’, UN CHGA, Addis Ababa, 2003.
- Rapport pour UN Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance ‘Best Practice in HIV/AIDS Governance : The Experience of Senegal’, UN CHGA, Addis Ababa, 2004.
- Rapport pour la Commission européenne DGV, Assessment of the results of the European elections in terms of women’s participation and factors influencing the 1999 results, Commission européenne, Bruxelles, 2000.
Responsabilités - Réseaux scientifiques
- Visiting Professor, HEARD, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Co-investigator, ESRC Research Network, Effective Prevention and Inclusive Responses to SGBV in Humanitarian Crises : The Healthcare Needs of LGBTI People in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
- Co-investigator, project funded by Government of the Netherlands, Linking Policy and Programming : Strengthening Legal and Policy Environments for Reducing HIV Risk and Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) for Young Key Populations in southern Africa
- Co-Director, NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme project, Resilient Civilians in Hybrid and Population-Centric Warfare.
Valorisation - Expertise
- Gender Based Violence and Migration in Times of Covid-19. Perspectives from across the globe, Webinar organised by Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute. Watch on Youtube :
- "Les femmes à l’épreuve des guerres", intervention aux Questions d’éthique(s), Lieu Unique, Nantes, 3 décembre 2017.
- EU Development Days, "Reaching out to Women in Fragile Contexts : How and Why ?", Brussels, 8 juin 2017,
- Intervention sur "Les violences contre les femmes migrantes", Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes, Paris, 30 janvier 2017.
- Participation à une table ronde et discussion, "Kosovo war rapes : history, memory and art", CERI, Sciences Po, 13 octobre 2016.
- Interview Le Monde : Crise des migrants : les femmes les premières victimes ?
- Entretien avec TV5 Monde : "Femmes et Migrations : raisons et routes de l’exil"
- Visiting Scholar at the Mary Robinson Centre, Ireland. Talk at the conference on Migrant Women,
- "Les primo arrivantes : Origines diverses et trajectoires variées : La prégnance du genre", intervention à une journée d’étude, Favoriser l’intégration des jeunes filles et des jeunes femmes primo-arrivantes, organisé par le CNIDFF, 20 mai 2016.
- Conférence invitée sur "Women asylum seekers access to the International Protection System", Gendering the International Asylum Protection System Conference, organisé par Differenza Donna, Rome, 23 mars 2016.
- Intervention sur "Violences faites aux femmes et demande d’asile" dans une journée d’étude "Femmes en exil" organisée par Orspere-Samdarra, 6 octobre, 2016.
- Participation à une table ronde sur "Femmes réfugiées", organisée par la Mairie de Strasbourg, 8 mars 2016.
- Participaton à une table ronde "Parcours migratoires des femmes et violences institutionnelles", FASTI, 28 novembre 2015.