Cresppa > Publications > Publications 2022 > J.Freedman, N.Sahraoui, E.Tastsoglou (Eds.), (…)

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Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui et Evangelia Tastsoglou (Eds.), Gender-Based Violence in Migration : Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches, London & New York : Palgrave Macmillan, juillet 2022 - 271 p.

With contributions from a diverse array of international scholars, this edited volume offers a renewed understanding of gender-based violence (GBV) by examining its social and political dimensions in migration contexts. This book engages micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis by foregrounding a conceptualization of GBV that addresses both its interpersonal and structural causes. Chapters explore how GBV frameworks and migration management intersect, bringing to the forefront the specific inequalities these intersections produce for migrant women. Drawing upon several disciplines, the authors engage in co-writing a critical engagement which proposes an original understanding of how the concepts of intersectionality, vulnerability and precarity speak to each other from a feminist perspective.

This volume will be of interest to scholars/researchers and policymakers in Gender Studies, Migration and Refugee Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Trauma Studies, Human Rights and Socio-Legal Studies.

 ISBN : 978-3-031-07928-3

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

PART I : Against Essentialism and Beyond Abstract Universalism : Theorising GBV in
Migration Contexts
Chapter 2. Precarity, Vulnerability, Intersectionality : Toward a Feminist Fusion ?
Chapter 3. War, Migration and Gender : Challenging Structural Inequality
Chapter 4. Migration, Gender and Health : Women’s Rights Perspective

PART II : Policy Intersections : Combating GBV and Managing Migration
Chapter 5. Framing GBV and Migration : Policy Perspectives
Chapter 6. The Gender of Canadian Legal and Policy Immigration and GBV Frameworks
Chapter 7. Between the law and a hard place ; framing the trafficking victim
Chapter 8. Integration or resilience – an institutional perspective on NGOs assisting refugees
and asylum seekers in Norway

PART III : Understanding Policy Implications, Foregrounding Women’s Voices
Chapter 9. Policing GBV in a Multi-Cultural Society
Chapter 10. Agency and Empowerment : Migrant Women and Strategies of Resistance
Chapter 11. Women’s Resources in the Face of GBV : Cross-National perspectives

14 mars 2024

Jane Freedman

Professeure à l’Université Paris 8
Page personnelle


Site principal : Site Pouchet du CNRS, 59 rue Pouchet, 75 017 Paris (3e et 4e étages). Plan d'accès
Site de Nanterre : Université Paris Nanterre, 200 avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex. Bâtiment Henri Lefebvre (ex-bat.D), salle 401. Plan d'accès


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